Ranking England’s
planning authorities
We’ve reviewed the plans of all local planning authorities in England and graded them using the following system:
Grade A:
Clear policies indicating details of the required number of dwellings or care home beds, how this will be achieved, and specific site allocations given.
Grade B:
A clear policy as above, but no land or site allocations.
Grade C:
Site allocations given, but no clear seniors housing policy.
Grade D:
Neither – with policy (at the most) confined to generalisations such as “we will make provision for housing all types of people, including the elderly and the disabled.”
Ranking Results
This year’s survey results found that England’s 326 local planning authorities were ranked:
Grade A
75 (23.0%)
Grade B
100 (30.7%)
Grade C
47 (14.4%)
Grade D
104 (31.9%)
The table below shows the fluctuating number of authorities under each ranking, from 2017 to present. The percentage denotes how many of England’s 326 authorities this equates to: