How we can help you and
your business
Since the introduction of the RP procedure, we’ve advised a range of businesses looking at entering into a RP.
We’ve also advised creditors of companies around their position and the compromise they’re being asked to accept.
In the event that a RP is an appropriate way forward for your company, or you’re a creditor affected by a proposed RP, our team can provide:
- Advice on the legal procedure and the implications of the process.
- Advice on creditor class composition and viability of the RP, together with the proposed Plan Administrator (an insolvency practitioner who provides evidence as to valuation and the relevant alternative in support of the plan).
- Draft documentation in respect of the RP. This includes the required Practice Statement Letter, Explanatory Statement, the Restructuring Plan document, claim form, witness statements, and draft orders for the Plan Meetings of creditors or members and for the sanctioning the plan.
- Advice and assistance on other legal aspects throughout the process.
Andrew Walker
+44(0)7703 525 419
Kunal Gadhvi
+44(0)7788 328 539